Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear John - Bechdel Test

Recently I watched to movie "Dear John". In this movie a young woman meets a young man while he is home on leave. The fall in love in two weeks, and write eachother letters while he is deployed. Their relationship continues when he comes home, and then write letters when he is deployed once again.

So let's see how "Dear John" fairs against the Bechtel Test:

The movie must have at least two female characters: Yes, but they do not have names, so I am going to say no.
The female characters must speak to each other: Yes
The female characters must speak to each other about something other than a man: Nope.

Sadly, "Dear John" Fails the Bechtel Test.


  1. I'm assuming it also fails the "Channing Tatum does more than act like a piece of upright drift wood" test, as well.

  2. that is too funny.. i haven't seen this film, but I could have guessed it almost entirely.
    i also have to agree that channing tatum is pretty awful too.. even if he is good to look at...

    damn. I might have failed too.
