Monday, September 6, 2010

The Bechdel Test

I would like to start an ongoing project in this little blog. Ever since my friend Erica told me about it, I have been fascinated with The Bechdel Test. The test was popularized by Alison Bechdel's comic, "Dykes to Watch Out For" and was published in 1985. You can read more background about the comic strip in question here.

The Bechdel Test determines whether a movie is worth seeing based on 3 simple Rules:
  1. The movie must have at least two female characters
  2. The female characters must speak to each other
  3. The female characters must speak to each other about something other than a man
These rules seem pretty easy to follow, but once you start thinking about it, you'll be shocked by how few movies actually pass. You can see the original comic strip below. Let me know what you think in the comments!


  1. the last three movies I watched (Invictus, Brothers, and Los Viejes del Viento) did not pass!

  2. The last movie I watched, was Penelope, and it totally did! I was so excited. I am going to post more about it later on.

    I loved the movie Brothers. It was crazy.

  3. wow this is so crazy and interesting. The last movie I saw was anchorman and the main character did not talk to the women about anything but the male leads so that did not pass. This is a fun thing to think about, thanks for posting!

  4. I'm glad I piqued your interest!

  5. So few movies have female characters as leads... argh

  6. BTW I made a feed on LJ

  7. this is the test I was trying to think of! Someone mentioned it in my Anthropology class but I did not know the exact rules for it. I can't wait to start applying it =)

  8. Let me know what you come up with!
