Thursday, September 2, 2010

FaceTime for Everyone!

Yesterday Apple* released a gaggle of new gadgets, and that makes me very, very happy. Out of all the new features and all the newly designed devices the thing I am most excited about is, I'm sure you've guessed, FaceTime is now available on the iPod Touch! This is made possible buy the front-facing camera and the new version of iOS software. This is exciting to me for a few reasons, but mostly because it means that you don't have to buy an iPhone and sign a contract to participate in a FaceTime chat.

Over the last several years, video chat software like Skype, Google Video Chat and iChat have become essential for people who find themselves far away from their loved ones. With the economy the way it is, many people are unable to fly their family around to see people. I see mobile video chat becoming just as prolific as the software I mentioned above, and just as normal as sending an email. Just wait. It'll happen.

*In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that I work part time at the Apple Store.

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