Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Favorite Time Wasting Website

Have you ever worked in any kind of customer service or retail job? If so, I think you will like this website as much as I do.  The website is, and it is my favorite online time waster. I am always amazed by the things that come out of people's mouths.

Where do you waste time online? Post a link here!


  1. I work in a bakery but my shift is about 60% customer service. I have met some cool people, but definitely experienced some goof balls and downright terrible people.

  2. I worked at the South Side Shaws in Brockton a decade ago and man if I knew about this site then. The daily hilarity of the customers I saw workin the front end and the deli would have supplied many stories. Definately cool, I'll have to check it out.
