Thursday, November 4, 2010

Media Undefined

I got into a major disagreement with a faculty member last week about internships. He basically said that all media internships must take place in a studio/production setting, and I disagreed. I think a media internship also relates to social media, and other content creation such as advertising and even marketing, especially when you are creating the content.

What do you guys think? What does this really broad term "media" really mean?


  1. I agree with you, it clearly goes beyond the studio. Maybe he thought you were most interested in the production side of media and wanted you to be in a studio environment? On the other hand it would seem a little TOO fun to land an internship in something like social media hehe. The day I find I can get paid to track trending topics on Twitter is the day I drop out of school!

  2. I think you're definitely right about a need for marketing experience in an internship. There's very few jobs in the media that don't require some sort of marketing, even if it's just self promotion. The best way to really get an understanding of a media medium is to experience it all. Sales, marketing, client work, production, etc...The people who fall flat on their faces are the one's who pigeon hole themselves into one aspect of something.

    Like, say only doing an intership in a studio doing production.

  3. I'm glad I'm not alone in my thinking. It was especially annoying because I used to run several local tv stations, so I don't really need an internship at one.

  4. I completely agree! Another one could be journalism i feel...which is something that i would love to have an internship in. good for you for standing up for yourself!
