Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Round-Up

Here is a round-up of some interesting things having to do with Halloween.

The sixth annual Boston University Pumpkin Drop happened today. See more photos here.

Salem Zombie Walk
Zombie Walks are becoming more and more popular every year. This week there was one in Salem and another in Providence.

Children in Foxboro will be trick-or-treating on Saturday 10/30 instead of on Sunday, which is Halloween, because of the Patriots game on Sunday night. This has been a big controversy in town among the parents. The kids don't seem to care though. I keep hearing them talk about getting candy in Foxboro on Saturday and then going to (neighboring town) Mansfield on Sunday!


  1. Kids are in it for the candy so this is awesome for them lol parents not so much. And I believe anything zombie related is worth paying attention to!

  2. The Foxboro thing is funny, because Sports Illustrated featured the story as it's weekly "Sign of the Apocalypse" a few weeks back. Rarely do I find myself wanting to write one of those generic angry magazine letters, but I really wanted to. Luckily, someone else did and last week SI published it. The guy pointed out that Foxboro is a little town with Gillette being on a crazy dangerous one lane highway. Anybody who would have trick or treated Sunday night would have been horrified.

  3. I lived in west Texas for a few years. One year Haloween fell on the same day as the big High School football rivalry game between the two biggest high schools in town. Its Abilene they have three high schools. They pretty much cancelled Halloween for the game as a good percentage of the town was attending the game. Friday Night Lights!

  4. This was really cool. i spent halloween in Salem for the first time and it was really crazy.. pretty much the coolest place in the world.
