Monday, October 4, 2010

Wazzzzzzup with this new beer ad?

I'll be honest, I got the idea for this from a post over at teenagerie (a great website, by the way), but she makes such a great point that I needed to share it with you. The following advertisement appeared in Out Magazine recently:

Since when does Budweiser, the ultimate "(Heterosexual)Man's Beer" court gay men? Did they just suddenly realize that a solid percentage of the American beer-drinking population was not being reached by their T&A advertising and decide to branch out?

Now I'm not knocking Budweiser for this. You can't blame them for wanting to sell their product, and I doubt there are many other beer companies clamoring to advertise in Out Magazine. I do have to wonder how they went from women in bikinis and frogs and WAZZZZUUUUP to gay men in a bar, though.

What do you all think?


  1. I think this is really interesting. Especially since Budweiser always seems to be ultra-macho this is entirely out of the ordinary. Maybe it's true that they're trying to reach out to another demographic, but it's still kind of strange to see. It's gotta be for profit, not for any sort of social justice or equality- I wouldn't go as far as to give them that much credit.

  2. I completely agree with you. I would have to see some significant changes in their marketing strategy to think it was anything but reaching for profits in an untapped market.
