Monday, October 11, 2010

Brand Loyalty and the Weather

Every evening I watch NECN to find out what the weather is going to be the next morning. Then, in the morning I watch to see what it is going to be over the course of the day. But during the day I consult the app on my iPhone to see if there have been any changes to the forecast, and if there is a weather system moving in, to see how close it is to my location.

When I was a kid, my dad and I watched The Weather Channel religiously. They were the people I turned to in order to know what to wear, and when to plan my events. I really don't watch anymore because the channel has added quite a bit of Reality programming, and I really don't need any more of that in my life. That being said, I obviously still trust them as The Source for weather information when it matters most: when I am out and about in the world. 

I think this says something about the importance of creating a brand people trust. There are dozens of weather apps for my iPhone, but I choose theirs. I honestly don't even feel the need to check anything else out.

Are there any brands you feel this kind of loyalty to?


  1. Levis when it comes to jeans, nike/converse when it comes to sneakers. Those are two things haven't changed about me for almost a decade. I didn't consciously buy only those brands for jeans/sneakers at first but then I realized they are the best for me in terms of comfort and look.

  2. It's funny how people are with the Weather Channel. My girlfriend literally yells at me if I don't switch to 47 for every "Local on the 8's" even if the weather has no way of changing in the past half hour. I'm pretty loyal to Mac products if anything. The only house computer I ever had growing up was an Apple, so I turned into one of those anti-PC people pretty young.

  3. I never know whether to trust or not because of the reason that it is not actually local programming but I often check the site maybe due to its name or not. I am happy you check NECN I had the opportunity to watch Matt Noyes work and love his enthusiasm about the weather and how he dumbs it down for us non weather fanatics.
