Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interesting Email

Today I received the following email from our VP of student affairs. Although I am not a lesbian, and not being bullied, I really appreciated him reaching out to the BSU community in this way.

To All Students,

I write to express my deep sorrow and outrage at the recent deaths of Tyler Clementi (Rutgers University) and Raymond Chase (Johnson & Wales)--two gay college students who committed suicide recently, one due to anti-gay bullying; and of Seth Walsh (13 years old), Asher Brown (13 yrs old), Billy Lucas (15 years old), and Cody Barker (17 years old) who took their lives in September 2010 after suffering anti-gay bullying. Members of the LGBT community at Bridgewater State University may feel especially vulnerable just now, and it is important for them to know that students, staff, and faculty/librarians of the University stand with them at this sad time.

Harassment is not a prank. It is never funny. It is hurtful both to the persons who are its targets and also to the whole University community-- and it is illegal. The BSU student Code of Conduct forbids harassment of individuals or groups based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, political belief or affiliation, marital status, gender identity, and/or genetic information. I urge any student who believes he or she has been harassed to make a detailed record of the harassing incidents and report them to one of the offices listed below, no matter whether the harassment is based on sexual orientation or any other element of social identity.

Now is the time for all members of the BSU community to come together in mutual support. It is the time to stand up against inappropriate jokes and hurtful actions, and it is the time to reach out in friendship and care across whatever boundaries divide us. You all deserve a sympathetic ear and a helping hand.

Bridgewater State University is a wonderful place to live and study and work. Social justice is one of our key values. Especially now, let us live up to the values we espouse.

I'd like to think that people feel comfortable reaching out in our school, but since my experience has really only been positive, I really don't know if that is the case. Thoughts?


  1. I got the email too (my guess is every student got it). I happen to think this campus is very friendly and I've never seen or heard any incidents in terms of bullying or harassment. I'm glad this email was sent out, showing that DMF is paying close attention to what has been going on...

  2. I got this email too! I also saw in people magazine that this particular story was the cover story with the same kids. I think it is so sad that bullying still happens so often. When I was little I was bullied really bad on the bus and when I was in highschool by a group of girls who didn't like me. I hated going to school and made up illnesses just not to go. Now that I am at BSU I have never run into such problems. I think because when we get older we realize how stupid making fun of different, shyer, weaker, and less popular kids really is.
