Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Evening (Bad)News

I have noticed recently that there is a big difference between the news shown on television at 6am and what is shown at 11pm. The morning news tends to be optimistic, talking about good news and human interest stories. On the other hand, the evening news is faced paced, with crazy graphics and full of stories about shocking violence and terrible things. 

Has anyone else noticed this?


  1. I totally agree with you- for the most part I avoid the evening news. I think the media tends to generate fear and panic because it creates more ratings, not necessarily because it is true. The other night, for example, there was something on just the flu shot and how it could "kill you" or your children. it's craziness!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! It is so strange that they scare you before you go to bed, then reassure you before you go to work.
