Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh, Asher Brown, Billy Lucas

You've probably already seen this by now, but I want to share it here. The recent suicides of young people that were being bullied, and especially those of the people who were ridiculed for being gay, have broken the hearts of many, including mine. I can't even express how horrified I am that this continues to happen. The worst thing about it is that there are people who take their lives every day for the reasons above and we never, ever hear about it. The only reason we are hearing about it right now is that the media has decided it is worth covering.

We need to DO something.


  1. Agreed. It really shouldn't have to take a young guy jumping off a bridge for people to get all riled up. Bullying happens everyday and terrible results like this sometimes have to be put in your face so that you can't turn away from it. (I don't mean you personally I mean everyone) I'm hoping for sweeping change given all these recent events, the media needs to cover these things for more than a couple days to make sure there is enough public outrage to force change in the way bullying is dealt with...

  2. Bullying has been around for a long time, and really I don't think it is humanly possible to get rid of it. Yes we can bring awareness to it but much like bringing awareness to cancer you can't cure the incurable. But perhaps we can make it better I suppose. I think people need to learn how to deal with bullying including teachers and students. Kids need to know that a bully should not cause them to commit suicide, I think parents need to talk to their kids as well and let them know bullying is wrong, but so is suicide.

  3. Maybe if people were punished appropriately, they wouldn't treat people like dirt anymore. Anyone who drives another person to suicide should be held accountable for their death.

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