Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Reasons We Should All Be More Like Tabatha Coffey

Tabatha Coffey @tabathacoffey on twitter
I love Tabath Coffey. Adore her. Not in a creepy I-want-to-steal-her-doggie kind of way, but in a wow, that's-- woman-who-gets-things-done, kind of way. A year ago, I literally walked two miles on a beyond freezing cold night in Boston, slipping on ice all the way there, to listen to her talk about her book, then waited in line for about two hours to meet her. The only other person I have done that for was Jan Brett, when I was 7, but that was totally different because I did it for my sister who was obsessed with the book The Mitten, and I'd do just about anything for my sister, but I digress. As I was saying, Tabatha rules. Here are 5 reasons we should all be more like her.

5.   She knows her talents, and sticks to them. Let's face it, a lot of people are miserable with their current employment situation, but how often do they consider that the reason they are unhappy could be that their position does not fit their particular skill set? Tabatha knows she is an excellent stylist and colorist, but she is also a fantastic business woman. According to her book, It's Not Really About the Hair, Tabatha discovered her talent for doing hair while growing up in her parents' night club. She took that talent to school, and eventually opened up her own salon. But she didn't stop there. She took those skills and created her first reality show, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, and now her second, Tabatha Takes Over, premiering tonight on Bravo.

In Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Tabatha went into failing salons, and took over the place for a week and attempted to turn the place around. The program has been such a huge success, that now Tabatha is taking over all sorts of small businesses in the new iteration, Tabatha Takes Over. I seriously can't wait to see what she takes over next. If you are unhappy with your current situation, take a page out of Tabatha's playbook and consider your passions and your talents, then make a move to improve your life. 

4. She knows who her customers are, and caters to every last one of them. If you want to make money, you need to cater to the correct customer, the kind of customer you want to frequent your business, not just any random person trolling around the internet. If you want to have a high-end hair salon, do cross-advertising with a high-end restaurant, not a dive bar. Seems simple enough, right? Well, if the salons on Tabatha's Salon Takeover are any indication, most businesses do not know who their ideal customers are, or how to cater to them, which is one reason their businesses are failing.

Tabatha knows how to cater to many different customers at once. On Tabatha's Salon Takeover, she is simultaneously catering to the audience (Bravo's, therefore her, customer) at home to keep them entertained, to the salon she is working with that week, future salons that she needs to contact the show so she can do the same awesome things she is doing for other salons in their salon, and to potential customers for herself and her salon in New Jersey. That is a level of self-awareness that we would all benefit from. If you are running a business, working for a business, or looking for work, consider who your customer is, and cater directly to them. Talk to other people that have been successful in the way that you want to be, and take their tips to heart.

3. She knows who she is, and she doesn't change to suit other people's desires. Tabatha is not a pushover. If she does not agree with something, she tells you. If she thinks your a half-wit, she tells you. If she thinks you have so little personal style you shouldn't be staying other people, she'll tell you that, too. Tabatha has been called a bitch so many times that she uses it as an acronym for Brave, Intelligent, Tenacious, Creative, and Honest. We should all strive to be those things.

2. She is professional. Regardless of how you might feel about her thoughts and feelings towards people, you have to admit that Tabatha always acts in a completely professional manner. She is always put together in a nice, well tailored, black outfit. When she has an issue with a persons behavior or attitude, she goes directly to that person and has a discussion about it. Although Tabatha talks to the camera about the people in the salons she takes over, you know she has said the same thing to the person's face. This ability to have an honest and open conversation with someone you are not getting along with is extremely important in all aspects of life, but it is particularly necessary in our professional lives. Take the time to learn techniques such as fearless feedback so that you can feel more comfortable communicating effectively with your coworkers.

1. She knows how to turn an opportunity into a career move. When Tabatha Coffey was on the inaugural season of Shear Genius, a reality show on Bravo, she was depicted as the villain. Tabatha wasn't devious, and she didn't backstab, but she did tell the world what she thought about her fellow stylists. And believe me when I tell you she didn't sugar coat anything there. Eventually, Tabatha was kicked off the show, and someone no one can remember won the competition. Did Tabatha go home, lick her wounds and hide? Nope. She negotiated a contract for her own show on Bravo, Tabatha's Salon Takeover. Brilliant. Next time something doesn't happen the way you want it to in your career, think about what Tabatha did here, and turn it into a positive career move. And for what it's worth, Tabatha has had more seasons on her show than Shear Genius has had in total. Excellent.

We can all learn a lot from Tabatha Coffey. It is really important to understand ourselves and our talents, so that we can parlay them into a profitable career. Sure, there will always be setbacks, but the important thing is to learn from them and turn them into opportunities. Be Tabatha, not the person that won the reality show that nobody remembers.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Randall Terry and Political Advertising: A New Low

Randall Terry
Tonight, WCVB Channel 5, based out of Boston, MA, was the latest of several stations to air a political advertisement by Randall Terry. After airing the advertisement, the satin was inundated with complaints on the WCVB Facebook page (Read their response here). The ads, which I have purposely not included here, depict aborted fetuses, decapitated people, and worse. Randall Terry is trying to raise enough money to run these advertisements during the Super Bowl.

Randall Terry announced he is seeking the Democratic nomination for President, running against President Obama, last week. He has political ads running in several states.

The crazy thing about all of this is that the FCC requires Broadcast Stations to air advertisements for any candidate for Federal office. That't right, the same FCC that flips out over a rogue "F" bomb or a surprise nipple during the Super Bowl halftime show, requires Broadcast Stations to air all political advertisements for candidates for Federal office.

It is unclear if those in charge of advertising during the Super Bowl will be running any political advertisements. My knowledge of FCC rules and regulations is a bit rudimentary, but if my recollection is correct, because of the requirement of equal time being allotted to each candidate, if they run one political spot, they would have to accept an advertisement from each candidate. Even if that isn't true for every program on television, the argument could be made that since the Super Bowl is the most viewed program on television year after year, those equal time rules would apply.

Could this actually be the year that political advertising goes too far? Will we see legitimate candidates respond to these advertisements? Will there be a 30 second spot featuring decapitation and abortion during the Super Bowl? Only time will tell, I suppose.

You can view Randall Terry's website to see for yourself, but please be warned, the videos on his website are horrific. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Bechdel Test

This post is a continuation in a series where I determine if a film has passed the Bechdel Test. My original post about the Bechdel Test can be found here.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the Millennium Series of which it is the first novel, are very dark books. There is a great deal of violence, most of it sexual and directed at women. For these reasons, I was very interested to see how the new version of the film would hold up against the Bechdel test. 

As a reminder, the Bechdel Test determines whether a movie is worth seeing based on three rules:

1. The movie must have at least two female characters.
2. The female characters must speak to each other. 
3. The female characters must speak to each other about something other than a man,

So, how does The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fare? There are many female faces in the film, and several named characters. The woman with the most screen time is Lisbeth Salander, so I will base the answers to the second question on her interactions. Lisbeth speaks to more than one character in the film, and rarely  talks to either of them about a man. In fact, the only time she mentions a man to another woman at all is when reminding a secretary that her boss has given Salander permission to do what she needs to do to collect evidence. 

Clearly, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo passes the Bechdel Test with flying colors, which is extremely interesting for several reasons. First and foremost, this film is, at its core, about the way women are treated as "less than" in society by men who act as though women exist solely for their sexual needs. The character of Lisbeth Salander is a reminder that women can (and do!) fight back against the men who try to reign in their strength and power. 

The next reason this is so interesting revolves around the marketing for the film. The first movie poster featured an entirely nude Lisbeth Salander with Mikael Blomkvist's arm around her protectively. The reasons why this poster is completely incongruent with the story warrant their own post, but let it suffice to say that the poster does not lead you to believe the film will pass the Bechdel Test.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Look, New Thoughts

Hello, again!

You may have noticed I have been on a hiatus of sorts. This blog was originally created for a course I was taking, and after that ended, I let it go by the way-side, which is kind of crazy because I truly enjoyed writing it.

Moving forward, you will continue to read my thoughts about all things media related, but you can expect information about new technology, trends, and perhaps a dash of DIY. I also hope to have some guest bloggers stop by.

Stay tuned!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear John - Bechdel Test

Recently I watched to movie "Dear John". In this movie a young woman meets a young man while he is home on leave. The fall in love in two weeks, and write eachother letters while he is deployed. Their relationship continues when he comes home, and then write letters when he is deployed once again.

So let's see how "Dear John" fairs against the Bechtel Test:

The movie must have at least two female characters: Yes, but they do not have names, so I am going to say no.
The female characters must speak to each other: Yes
The female characters must speak to each other about something other than a man: Nope.

Sadly, "Dear John" Fails the Bechtel Test.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Leave Buffy Alone!

I love the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Love. And I was BEYOND excited when I heard the powers that be were working on a feature film. At least I was up until I learned they are planning to do this without creator Joss Whedon, star Sarah Michelle Geller or any other actor or actress from the show.

What is with Hollywood taking on beloved television shows and movies and trying to remake them? The new project is rarely as good as the original. I know there are people with good ideas out there, who have awesome (read: new) stories to tell. Why aren't those people being given an opportunity to create something new and awesome?

*Yes, I know the television show was technically a reboot of the movie, but Joss was the original creator, so as far as I am concerned, he can remake things all he wants.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Favorite Time Wasting Website

Have you ever worked in any kind of customer service or retail job? If so, I think you will like this website as much as I do.  The website is notalwasyright.com, and it is my favorite online time waster. I am always amazed by the things that come out of people's mouths.

Where do you waste time online? Post a link here!