Monday, September 27, 2010

Media Overload

I don't know if this ever happens to anyone else, but I feel like I have ODed on media over the last week. Between all of my class assignments (the 4 movies I had to watch, the 2 newspapers I had to read, the tv show I had to watch, the radio programs I had to listen to, the 125 pages in books and the blogs I had to read), and my personal media consumption choices (morning news, season premieres, daily NPR listening while driving, twitter, facebook, etc), my brain is overflowing. To be honest, I don't really feel like I am full of useful information, though. Just a random hodge-podge of pop-culture meets culture-study STUFF.

I feel like one of those people in the Bing Ads.

Has this ever happened to you?


  1. I can totally relate to you! I am so overloaded and I don't even know where to start. I have a paper, exam, and a bunch of work due this week for only two classes that involve movies, reading about media, and researching. I am constantly finding myself online shopping or surfing facebook. I feel like I already need a vacation and the school year just started!

  2. I feel like this all the time but I don't know if and what I should cut back on. I value my online friendships... and the knowledge I gain about a variety of subjects argh.

  3. I feel like that too! It almost washing out all useful knowledge! HA. Although with posts here, I am happy to see post that are entertaining and relatable rather than strickly info!
