Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh, hi there!

It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to write an introduction of sorts.

My name is Anna. You probably already know that based on the title of the blog, but it is worth mentioning. Although this blog was created as an assignment for a course, I have been thinking about creating one along these lines for a while now. I am an avid social media user, and love technology and the gadgets that go with it, so expect to read about those topics here. Additionally, I am very interested in customer relationship cultivation, and how media changes the customers' relationship with the corporation.

Please feel free to comment on my posts. I love a good discussion!


  1. The blog looks SOLID! I have not updated my blog to have a twitter feed--seeing this is makes that a MUST, I'm thinking. Have you been reading the mock PR twitter feed ostensibly from BP this summer? Sounds right up your alley...

  2. Thank you very much! I spent a lot of time on it. And yes, I have been following the "BP Guy".

    I think having a twitter feed ads an extra personal touch to a blog. It gives the reader a good idea of your interests and personality. Just be careful what you write! ;O)
