Sunday, September 12, 2010

Michael McGinty Family Fun Day

I moved to Foxboro last January, and I have been really impressed by the sense of community here. That being said, I was surprised to find a carnival-like atmosphere on the common on Saturday. A carnival on the anniversary of 9/11 struck me as really odd. My husband and I walked over, and come to find out, it was Michael McGinty Family Fun Day. On 9/11, Mr. McGinty was killed while working at the World Trade Center, and a memorial scholarship was created in his honor. The event was partially to raise money for the scholarships, but also to remind people what remembering 9/11 is really about. It is about holding on to your patriotism, and keeping your loved ones close. Check out the video below for NECN's coverage of the event. You can also read about it here. I think it is great that NECN chose to cover such a wonderful event.

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